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Release Notes
Release Notes v2.6

Screenberry v2.6.0 Server Release Notes

Major New Features

  • Projector pose estimation (position, rotation, zoom, and lens shift) in a 3D scene using reference points on a model.
  • Multi-camera automatic calibration for fulldome projections (Experimental)
  • Timeline playback
  • Graphical user interface builder – GuiPanel
  • Spout input/output support
  • Notch support (see Notch Playback)
  • Multi-channel audio routing control with audio mix matrix

New Nodes

  • MultiCameraCalibratorV2: the node automatically aligns images from two or more cameras with fisheye lenses for the dome screen calibration.
  • FisheyeDistortion: the node is a patch for manual cropping and distortion compensation of images from a camera with a circular fisheye lens.
  • GuiPanel: the node creates a custom graphical interface for user controls.
  • NotchPlayback: the node provides support for Notch blocks playback.
  • SpoutIn: the node receives frames from other Spout sender applications.
  • SpoutOut: the node sends an image to any Spout receiver application.
  • New type conversion nodes: IVec2, Vec2, Vec3, Vec4, Mat4; FromIvec2, FromVec2, FromVec3, FromVec4, FromMat4.
  • ObjectTransform: the node combines source 3D objects into a single target 3D object and applies additional transformations.
  • ObjectFileSaver: the node saves a 3D object to a file.
  • TriMesh: the node is a patch that allows the user to manually define triangular mesh polygons and their vertices to facilitate projection mapping on objects that can be represented in mesh-type geometry.
  • User control nodes: ColorPicker, ComboBox, TextValue.
  • InvertColor: the node inverts the colors of a source image.

Major fixes


  • Fixed: a 1-second captured audio delay.
  • Fixed: audio glitches (short, continuous, repetitive) during playback when disk usage is high.
  • Fixed: automatic node reinitialization when an audio device is removed/added.

Image blending:

  • Fixed: an incorrect brightness level was calculated for projection overlap areas if patches had different aspect ratios of UV maps.
  • Fixed: quadratic easing in the Simple Distance Transform blending mode has been enabled by default and resulted in the creation of incorrect blending maps for areas where three or more projections overlap. Now, the Apply Quadratic Easing parameter has been added and disabled by default.

Geometry calibration:

  • Fixed: Incorrect blobs indexing during geometry calibration on extremely curved surfaces.


  • Fixed: a system crash on Linux caused by the Camera node (with the Multi-camera parameter enabled) when attempting to capture images from two or more cameras.


  • SolidColor: the node SolirColor3f has been renamed to SolidColor. The color type parameter has been changed from vec3 to vec4 with Alpha and the Premultiply by Alpha parameter has been added.

  • Gradient: the color type parameter has been changed from vec3 to vec4 with Alpha.

  • The Experimental tag has been removed from the following nodes:

    MidiIn, Script, TimeEvent, WebServer, DecklinkOutput, ImageBuffer, BlendImage, GetChannel, InvertColor, Maximal, Remap, Transform, NDIIn, NDIOut, StereoscopicMerge, LTCDecoder, LTCEncoder, MidiOut, MidiTimeCodeDecoder, TimeCode, TimeCodeDisplay, VideoPreview,  MagewellCapture, FisheyeToFisheye360, TriMesh, XGrid.

  • The deprecated MaximalAction node has been removed.

New Features

Geometry Patches:

  • A selection of the Texture (default), Texture + Grid, and Texture + Subdivided Grid modes have been added for the ViewMode option to display a patch grid when editing patches from the Panel.
  • The patch name is now displayed when switching between patches during the manual calibration with the keyboard shortcuts directly on the server.
  • The Lock Geometry parameter has been added. When it is enabled, the patch cannot be edited from the Panel and is excluded from the list of patches available for calibration with the keyboard shortcuts directly on the server.

Listener Nodes:

  • The Verbose Logging parameter has been added for the HttpListener, OscListener, TcpListener, UdpListener, SerialInput nodes (set as true by default), which can be used to disable logging.


  • Forwarding of mouse and keyboard events from the Panel’s VideoPreview widget to VideoPreview node has been added.


  • Timelines: Now, Media Player playback can be organized using timelines in addition to the playlists. For more information, see Timelines.
  • The Volume Boost option in media item settings has been added, which allows the user to increase the sound level up to 200%.


  • The display input has been added to the RenderTarget node (for advanced use).
  • A Watchdog Timer (WDT) has been added to restart the server when it is frozen. The default watchdog timeout is 10 seconds.
  • The server now automatically saves the memory dump and restarts if a critical error occurs (a crash or freeze).
  • The bitrate has been increased for the video items preview generated when content is uploaded.
  • Automatically generated patch grids (for PanoToDome, DomeTransform, FisheyeToFisheye360, etc.) are not saved in the configuration file to reduce its size and improve saving/loading speed.
  • All floating-point data types for node parameters are now stored in double-precision format.
  • The action parameters Load Image Filename and Load Image (hidden by default) have been added to the Camera node for calibration debugging purposes.
  • The Capture button has been added to the Camera node settings. It requires the Camera node to be connected to the Calibrator node to operate.
  • Support for fisheye mapping types (Equidistant, Equisolid angle, Stereographic, Orthographic) has been added to the FisheyeToFisheye360 node. It does not work well with commonly used circular fisheye lenses, for which the manual adjustment with the FisheyeDistortion node is preferable.
  • The transformation mathematics in the FisheyeToFisheye360 node has been fixed and the Fisheye Wrap parameter has been removed.
  • A warning has been added to the File Manager for cases when a user attempts to download an opened file (e.g. logs.txt).
  • The Enable Full-Duplex Mode parameter has been added to the DeckLinkInput node for enabling the use of either outputs or inputs on the same DeckLink device.
  • The Geometry Extrapolation: Linear Angle Mix and Linear Length Mix parameters have been added to the Calibrator node for the geometry extrapolation fine adjustment. Previously, these parameters could only be accessed and edited directly in the geometry.xml file.
  • The process of sending images to the Panel in the Calibrator node has been optimized to avoid frame drops.
  • The Mask stage in the Calibrator node has been improved to allow the creation of masks that touch the edge of the camera image.
  • Image file format selection has been added to the ImageFileSaver node.
  • The audio matrix mixer in the AudioOut node can now be applied without reinitializing the audio device.
  • The timecode parameters Accept Timecode, Follow Timecode and Filter Timecode Frames have been added to the MediaPlayer node.
  • A black frame is now sent from the NDIOut node when the source is no longer connected.
  • The Keep Aspect Ratio option has been added to the VideoPreview node.
  • 3D Nodes workflow has been redesigned. Now Object, Camera3D, and Projector nodes are connected to the input (left) parameters of the Scene node. All images are rendered in the Scene node.
  • Automatic blending for remapped cameras has been implemented when the Blender node is used in conjunction with the Scene node.
  • A UV map projection on UV map for perspective and orthogonal projector types (in addition to the fisheye type that has been moved from the Camera3D node) has been implemented in the Projector node.
  • A projection on UV map for Perspective and Orthogonal projector types has been implemented for the Object, Projector, Scene nodes.
  • The Fisheye projector type has been moved from the Camera3D node to the Object, Projector, Scene nodes.
  • The dimensions of a projected image are now configured with the Size parameter in the Projector node.
  • The UV-optimized rendering parameter has been added to the Scene node to improve rendering speed for complex 3D models.
  • The SystemExec node has been reimplemented from scratch. Some parameters (Hidden, Crashed, etc.) had been removed.
  • The Fullscreen option for the Context node in the Linux version has been removed.
  • The parsing of escape sequences in arguments of the HttpListener node has been improved.
  • The highest supported OpenGL version is now initialized by the Context node by default. OpenGL version selection and information have been added.
  • The Additional Buffers for Upload parameter (hidden by default) has been added to the Context node. This parameter sets the number of buffers used in the map➜write➜unmap➜upload➜render texture upload sequence. The values of 1 or 2 may be used to fix the issue with non-synchronized slices (texture tearing).
  • The 29.97 fps drop frame timecode option has been added to the TimeCode node. This option is only implemented for the LTCEncoder node – other nodes will behave as if a 30 fps timecode was selected.
  • The “Server started without administrative privileges” message box has been removed.
  • The NDI library has been updated to version 4.5.
  • The Assimp library has been updated to version 5.0.0.rc2.


  • Fixed: a memory leak in the Script node.
  • Fixed: the issue with the X and Y coordinate swap in the DomeTransform node. Transformation mathematics has been improved for a field-of-view.
  • Fixed: the issue causing rarely occurring crashes when adding/removing the audio track for the currently playing media item in the MediaPlayer node.
  • Fixed: the issue with the Transparent option that did not work when playing video tracks with the alpha channel in the MediaPlayer node.
  • Fixed: the issue with crashing (freeze) when playing 1-frame video in a loop in AsyncShort or AsyncLong texture transfer mode in the MediaPlayer node.
  • Fixed: the issue with playback of a media item restoring on the previous frame when reinitialized after being paused in the MediaPlayer node.
  • Fixed: the issue with non-synchronized slices when the PBO texture transfer mode is selected in the MediaPlayer node.
  • Fixed: the appearance of a green line between texture slices when playing video encoded with the Optimal Quality preset in the MediaPlayer node.
  • Fixed: The TimeCodeDisplay node has been showing incorrect values when performing Step One Frame Back for a media item in the MediaPlayer node.
  • Fixed: crashing when the NDIOut node (or another node that has NDI output) was removed during content upload.
  • Fixed: crashing on the NDIIn node reinitialization/removal.
  • Fixed: the input Transform parameter was not executed for the PatchesArray node.
  • Fixed: the transformation mathematics in the FisheyeToFisheye360 node and the Fisheye Wrap parameter has been removed.
  • Fixed: incorrect processing for sources with an alpha channel in the Calibrator node.
  • Fixed: the Colors stage critical error when the projection area is small for one of the projectors during automatic calibration.
  • Fixed: freeze when the camera battery level becomes low during automatic calibration.
  • Changed: parameter names related to pre-iterations.
  • Fixed: blobs geometry for the correct determination of the central L-shape marker in cases with a very extended projection area.
  • Fixed: freezing during the Geometry calibration stage if the CalibratorPatch node was not connected to the Display or RenderTarget node.
  • Fixed: an incorrect camera error message was displayed when the Do Capture option was disabled in the parameters of the Calibrator node.
  • Fixed: the next calibration was scheduled if the Start Calibration button was pressed during the calibration.
  • Fixed: the Numbers test pattern was not updated when the CalibratorPatch node was added/removed or the label changed.
  • Fixed: the Wireframe and PointCloud view modes were not working in the Camera3D node.
  • Fixed: The Fisheye Type parameter for a projector in the Projector node did not work.
  • Fixed: a server crash when uploading media content during calibration.
  • Fixed: a server crash when uploading files in M2T format.
  • Fixed: the incorrect folder size displayed in the Media Library when uploading multiple images to different folders.
  • Fixed: an incorrect “Input file does not exist” error message was displayed during the media files upload.
  • Fixed: the automatic scan function in the DeckLinkInput node could not find the input signal.
  • Fixed: continuous reinitialization in the event of invalid input in the DeckLinkInput node.
  • Fixed: the No Signal Color parameter of the DeckLinkInput node was not updated when the node was linked to the RenderTarget node.
  • Fixed: DSP addition and processing did not work in the SoundEffect node.
  • Fixed: the copy-pasted Blender node with the connected patch nodes did not work until the application was restarted.
  • Fixed: keyboard shortcut commands were not processed for a disabled patch node during calibration.
  • Fixed: the cursor display position was not updated in the BlobsPatch node when the patch was edited with the keyboard shortcuts directly on the server.
  • Fixed: empty string parsing when passed as two double quotes in sequence (“”) in the Listener nodes.
  • Fixed: the triggered state of the Group input action parameters did not change when a value was set using the Screenberry protocol.
  • Fixed: the loss of presets or change of preset names after copy/paste operations or server restart when the preset name began with digits in the Preset node.
  • Fixed: loss of the first argument of the received message in the OscListener node (regression from 2.5.1 when the OSC channels mapping feature was added).
  • Fixed: the Shader node caused a server crash when the Context node reinitialized.
  • Changed: parameter names (typo fixed) for “exitScreenberry” and “restartScreenberry” in the AppHostControls node.
  • Fixed: incorrect values in the days and months checkboxes in the TimeEvent node settings after restarting the server.

Screenberry v2.6.0 Panel Release Notes

New Features:

  • Scene Editor for 3D nodes.
  • Timeline Editor in MediaPlayer (experimental).
  • GuiPanel: a new graphic user interface builder.
  • VideoPreview: forwarding of mouse and keyboard events now to the Server from the VideoPreview node widget.
  • LinkPin: a feature to assist with links routing in complex node graphs.
  • Group/Ungroup nodes function.
  • New Project creation (Server ➜ New Project)
  • The patch is automatically selected in the Patch Editor when the patch node is selected in the Node Graph.
  • The Edit Patch function has been added to the node context menu in the Node Graph.
  • The selection of the patch type (including the Calibrator) has been added to the Create Display Array dialog box in the Display Editor.
  • The Set Picture from the Server function has been added to the patch context menu in the Node Graph, which downloads the image from the Server and sets it as a background for the patch. It can also be done using shortcuts: F5 to set, Shift+F5 to unset.
  • The search widget for items in playlists has been added to the MediaPlayer.
  • The Maximize option for widgets in the custom user tabs.
  • Background selection for NDI streams (Solid Black, Gray Gradient or Checkerboard Pattern).


  • Node parameters with names that start with ‘$‘ (previously hidden by default) are now shown in the node Settings in the Node Graph.
  • The buttons have been removed from the nodes in the Node Graph.
  • The functionality of input fields for editing the node parameters with integer values has been improved. These fields now have a fixed size and the edit arrows have been removed.
  • Floating-point values for the node parameters can be entered using either ‘.‘ (a period) or ‘,‘ (a coma) as a delimiter. Entered numbers are always displayed with a period as a delimiter and at least one digit afterward (whereby trailing zeros are hidden and the scientific notation is applied if necessary).
  • The step input control has been added in the node Settings for editing the node parameters with floating-point values. The step can be changed using the Ctrl+’+‘/ Ctrl+’‘ hotkey combinations (or Ctrl+Mouse Scroll Wheel) and stored locally for each node parameter.
  • If a node parameter has array values, they are hidden in the Settings panel by default. The Edit Array button has been added to display array values for editing.
  • The last visited folder is remembered by the Open/Save File dialog.
  • The Open/Save File dialog returns a relative path if the file is inside the Server work folder.
  • The node settings for the Context, Display or RenderTarget nodes are displayed in the Patch Editor when they are selected.
  • The TriMesh node supports the use of keyboard shortcuts: ‘P‘ to add control points, ‘T‘ to create triangular mesh polygons from selected points.
  • Displays/RenderTargets sorting is fixed in the Patch Editor.
  • The media item Settings in the MediaPlayer has been redesigned and the new time input widget in the media item settings has been implemented.
  • The timecode input widget (in the upper right corner of the MediaPlayer) has been redesigned.
  • A hint for the In Point field has been added in the media item settings, which shows the preferred In Point value, which enables a fast and smooth transition without frame drops.
  • The MXF video file format has been added to the list of formats that are supported for media content upload.
  • The message “Content upload finished” has been replaced by the green text color message “Uploading finished” in the Media Library status bar.
  • The warning message “Existing displays will be removed”, which requires confirmation, has been added to the Create Display Array dialog in the Display Editor.
  • The button for scrolling to the most recent logs with one click has been added in the Logs window of the Node Graph.
  • The search widget has been added in the Logs window of the Node Graph.
  • The last connected server is automatically selected in the Choose Server dialog box.
  • The system remembers if the Advanced Mode option is selected.
  • The system automatically reconnects to the server when resuming from sleep or hibernation (Windows only), or when the functions New Project, Open Project, or Restart Screenberry Application on Server are used.


  • Fixed: the selected control points were unselected when attempting to add to the selection by holding Shift and using the rectangular marquee selection in the Patch Editor.
  • Fixed: the undo function did not work if floating-point values for the node parameters were changed with a logarithmic slider in the Patch Editor.
  • Fixed: the BezierPatch control points were trembling when the Auto Adjust Internals option was turned on. The internal control points are now grayed out, and editing for them is disabled.
  • Fixed: The code editor resizing in the node Settings.
  • Fixed: The File Manager was freezing when the folder was switched.
  • Fixed: The issue with loading color correction settings from a file in the MediaPlayer.
  • Fixed: The In Point and Out Point set to the media item in the Item Preview window did not apply to the media item in the MediaPlayer.