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Node References
Primary Nodes


The Display node defines an individual viewport that can be placed on the Screenberry server output canvas. Multiple Display nodes can be connected to the Canvas node or RenderTarget node (for off-screen rendering).

The Display node receives media content from any image source or patch node connected to it.

Display Node Graph

When the Display node is connected to the Canvas (or RenderTarget) node in the Node Graph, this node becomes accessible for editing in the corresponding Canvas (or RenderTarget) Editor widget. For more information on editing displays, see Display Editor.

Display Editor

The Settings panel of the Display node offers the following control and information parameters:

PatchesProvides information about the number of Patch nodes connected to the Display node.
ImageProvides information about the image source connected to the Display node.
SizeSets the width and height of the display in pixels.
PositionSets the position of the top-left corner of the display relative to the top-left corner of the server output canvas.
Test PatternAllows selecting a test pattern to show on the display (Label, Grid, Color Bars, or Gradient). See Turning on Display Test Pattern.
Enable StereoscopicEnables stereoscopic image rendering to the Display.
Stereoscopic ModeAllows selecting a mode for stereoscopic image output: Side-by-side, Top/Bottom, or Frame Sequential.
Swap Left-RightSwaps the positions of the left eye and right eye images in the side-by-side stereoscopic modes.
Output Parameters
DisplayIndicates whether the Display node is connected to the Canvas or Render Target node.
DomeSDKDisplayIndicates whether the Display node is connected to the DomeSDK Saver node.

Note: The Display node can also be connected to the DomeSDK Saver node allowing you to save calibration data for individual projections in a multi-projector dome setup. To accomplish this, the DomeSDK Display output parameter pin should be enabled.