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3D Scene
3D Scene Settings

3D Scene Settings

The 3D Scene widget in Screenberry allows you to create and manage three-dimensional environments. To access general 3D Scene settings, select 3D Scene in the Scene Inspector pane, and its parameters will be displayed in the corresponding panel below.

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Note: The settings for each object integrated into the 3D scene are adjusted individually.

The 3D Scene settings include:

General settings

  • Objects: Displays the number of connected 3D objects.
  • Cameras: Shows the number of virtual cameras connected.
  • Projection Mappers: Indicates how many projection mappers are connected.
  • Soft Edge Blender: Status of the soft edge blending functionality.
  • Output UV Maps: Toggles the UV map output on or off.

Mapping Matter Import

Mapping Matter Import Folder: Specify the directory containing mapping data.

Load Projectors as: Choose to load the projection data as either Cameras or Projection Mappers.

Free Camera settings

  • View Mode: Offers various options for displaying objects in the camera view:
    • Textured: Displays the scene with all textures applied to objects.
    • Wireframe: Displays the geometry of objects as a mesh of lines, representing the edges of all polygons.
    • Textured + Wireframe: Combines the textured and wireframe views, overlaying the wireframe mesh on top of the textured objects.
    • Color: Renders objects in solid colors, which can be set in the settings of the individual objects.
    • Color + Wireframe: Displays the objects in flat colors with the wireframe mesh overlaid.
    • Points: Displays only the vertices (points) of the objects' geometry.
    • None (Projections Only): Displays only the projections from Projection Mappers mapped to objects.
  • Show Projections: Toggles the visibility of projections in the viewport.
  • Blending Mode: Controls how layers of textures or solid colors blend with each other.
  • Field of View (FOV): Specifies the horizontal extent of the visible area in a 3D scene captured by a camera.
  • Depth Test and Back-face Culling: These settings control the visibility of objects’ surfaces relative to the camera’s position.
  • Near Distance: Defines the minimum distance at which the camera begins rendering objects.
  • Keyboard Fly Speed and Keyboard Orbit and Zoom Speed: Sets the camera's movement speeds for keyboard navigation.
  • Antialiasing: Toggles the antialiasing option to smooth out the edges of objects viewed in the 3D scene.

Ortho Views settings

  • Position and Width: Establishes the camera position and framing width for each of the orthographic views like top, bottom, left, right, front, and back.

Grid and Gizmo settings

  • Camera Gizmo Size: Adjusts the camera gizmo size.
  • Axes Gizmo Size: Sets the size of the gizmo that represents the axes in the scene.
  • Grid Step and Number of Cells: Define the scale and complexity of the grid.

View Settings

  • Camera Gizmo Size and Transform Gizmo Size: Set the sizes of the camera and transform gizmos.
  • Wireframe Color and Width: Adjusts the appearance of the wireframe outlining object geometry.
  • Point Size: Changes the size of the points representing vertices in certain visualization modes.
  • Selection Line Width: Modifies the thickness of the lines used to highlight selected objects.
  • Show Grid and Show Camera Gizmos: Toggle the visibility of the grid and camera gizmos in the viewport.

Projection settings

  • Simulate Projection: Enables the real-time simulation of projection mapping to preview the mapping outcome.

By adjusting these settings, users can control the visualization of the 3D environment.