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Working with Nodes
Node Basics

Node Basics


A node is a basic unit that is used to create a project in Screenberry.

Although all nodes have unique and different functions, they are operated in a common way, making the user experience simple and intuitive.

Project creation in Screenberry is the process of adding/linking nodes and modifying node parameters. It is done in the Node Graph widget of the Screenberry Panel.

Node Structure

Node Header provides the following information:

  • the execution order number (the number in the upper left corner).
  • the name of the node (or label).
  • the node status indicator (the colored bar on the right side of the Node Header). See Node Status.

Node Body contains the names of input parameters (on the left) and output parameters (on the right). When a node is selected, its parameters are displayed in the Settings panel.

Node Graph Structure and Data Flow

The Node Graph is created by adding and linking nodes. Data flows from left to right through links between right-side output pins and left-side input pins of the nodes. The Node Graph is a visual representation of data flow and processes which result in the rendered video, images, and audio.

Example of the Node Graph

Links between nodes are displayed as gray lines. Links to selected nodes are highlighted in green. If data is being transmitted (for example, timecode is being sent), the link becomes animated.

Nodes Execution Order

The order of the execution of the node is determined automatically based on the links between nodes and the execution order number of the node.

Node Status

The node (as shown by the node status indicator) can be in one of three states:

  • enabled and activated (green).
  • disabled (gray).
  • enabled, but not activated (red).

To disable or enable a node, right-click on a node and deselect/select the Enabled checkbox in the dropdown menu.